The whole world is online now. Things you used to do out in the real world have been replaced by their pale imitations in a digital form. Online dating is this new fad that came into existence when people started living their lives in their computers. Now, it might sometimes work out for you; other times it may not. First of all, online dating does not mean that you sit on the couch all day and start dating a person over the internet. It kind of works like “real” dating. Read more about it in this dating review.

There are some questions you must ask yourself when diving into the scene of online dating:

● Am I patient enough?
● Are you cautious enough?
● Am I adventurous enough?

Why do you need patience? Because online dating is not easy. There are probably a million online dating sites and thousands of registered users on each site. Do the math. And if you are a man, well, it’s a sausage fest out there already.

Why do you need to be cautious? Because there are people looking to screw with you every chance they get. I am talking about the abundance of scammers in the online world.

Adventurous? Yes, because you entering a strange new world and you have no idea what might happen there.

Looks pretty bleak, doesn’t it. But fret not. Being prepared and focused will give you an edge in this competitive scene. Now, I know that researching about ALL the dating sites is impractical. Even if you aim for a fraction of that number, it’s still huge. What do you do then?

● Create a shortlist of dating websites that seem ok-ish
● Read the dating site reviews of each site comprehensively
● Sign up for a couple of them and try them out

Now you might be thinking, “Where do I get these reviews?” You are reading one right now. These are my 2 cents about this new dating website that I found called Why hily? Because it’s one of the many websites that I am using currently. But it stood out because of some things that it offers. Many aspects of it would seem familiar to most of you.


Hily is an online dating website. It is quite new actually, and it feels different yet familiar in many ways. They have a hily app too and this review applies to the app as well. The sign-up process is simple and is over usually in a few minutes. For the most part, the site appears to be free of spam of any kind. For the core aspects, it seems to have taken inspiration from Tinder, one of the dating apps available on the market today. You are shown the profiles of men or women (depends on whom you are seeking). On Tinder, you can choose to “like” or “dislike” the profiles by swiping left or right. On hily, you can click “like” or “dislike” on a person’s profile. Also, like in Tinder, you cannot send anyone a message until you both have “liked” each other’s profile. But unlike in Tinder, you do not have any limit on the “likes” that you can dole out. So that’s a big, big plus. The concept of “mutual likes” can still be a bottleneck for you though. You might have to give out a lot of “likes” before getting even one “like” in return. Let me provide a quick summary of its key features:

● Simple, intuitive interface
● Unlimited amount of “likes”
● Displays profiles of other people based on your location
● Multiple options to set your preferences

What’s so special about Hily?

In one word, the answer is simplicity. I have visited many dating websites and many of them look like amateur blog posts with those annoying pop-up ads. Hily looks clean and tidy. I saw no advertisements on Hily covering more than half of the content. When you see a person’s profile, you can click on it and not worry about being redirected to another website having a blog describing how to boil eggs. And signing up for Hily is very easy. The steps to do that are:

● Fill in your basic information; set up a password

● Provide your birth date

● Provide your zip code 

● Upload a photo as your profile picture

After you do that, you are actually provided an interactive tutorial on how to use How cool is that! You are shown how to interact with other people’s profiles in real-time. The tutorial takes, like, a minute to complete. Moreover, everything you need is right in front of your eyes. You can apply filters (based on gender and age) by clicking the “Set Filter” option. Also, you can access all the settings that you can tinker with right next to your profile picture. It gives you access to the general settings.

Can I send messages to anyone?

On hily, you cannot do much if you don't have a “mutual like”. This means that a person that you “liked” has “liked” you back. On Tinder, “mutual likes” for me were as elusive as ‘The Big Foot’. On hily, well, they are still difficult to obtain because ultimately it depends on the other person XD. The big difference here is that you have unlimited likes at your disposal. You can go as crazy as you want! No 12-hour wait for getting your “likes” restored.

After you get a “mutual like”, you can start exchanging messages with each other. This is also something that would be familiar to most of you. The interface seems like any other chatting app you might have used. You can send pictures and GIFs to the other person along with regular text. Please do not send pictures of your genitalia as the first message *sigh*.
The good and the bad

Hily is still a work in progress and there is a lot of stuff I would have liked to see in it, based on my experience with other dating websites. The filters at the moment don’t have a lot going on. I would have liked seeing more options such as filters based on, height, weight, hobbies, etc. It seems obvious, doesn’t it, to have these options on a dating website. The messaging part does not have the feature of sending smiley faces or whatever they are called and that is a drawback I feel.

All in all, I would say that is worth taking a look at. This review is meant as a guide so that you can understand and decide for yourself. It’s completely free, so you have nothing to lose, and maybe a lot to gain ;).