Sometimes being yourself doesn’t cut it. Here are a few tips for cultivating a better version of you.

The world of dating is a chaotic assortment of individuals, each searching for that true love they read about on fortune cookie inserts. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as devouring Royal Wok's All-You-Can-Eat buffet. Don't be the settler in the relationship, climb to new heights with our methods to date out of your league.

>> Avoid the friend zone …

A delicate balance must be struck in order to avoid the friend zone. This is where smart, ugly girls and funny, poor guys wind up — usually because they fail to realize that great personalities are not what people are looking for in a fleeting romance. You may be a catch in the sense that you’re well read and witty, but the rest of your package makes you a less than ideal sexual option. Don’t make the problem worse. As a 5 trying to score a 10, don’t discuss the love interests of the one you’re pursuing — you’ll become a confidante instead of a one-night stand. Don’t rapid-fire text him or her, and don’t discuss bodily functions. Be available, but not so much that you’re never missed. And just because you would do anything to be with this total babe, don’t. Getting walked over is a great way to become “just a friend.”

>> Be confident …

Although you don’t have good looks or ineffable charm on your side, the easiest way to obtain the object of your desire is to make it aggressively clear to them that you’re a catch. What’s more depressing than you being broke and unattractive? You calling attention to it. So don’t be the sad sack who dwells on not being worth it (you might not be, but thinking this way is not going to get you laid). So what if he’s higher up the proverbial food chain? The truth is: confidence is sexy. Own your flaws just as much as you own your redeeming qualities, whatever they may be. If you don’t want to fuck you, why would anyone else want to? Besides, the insecure and vulnerable act is only attractive on models with daddy issues and frat boys after one too many whiskeys. Otherwise, it’s just depressing. 

>> He or she is human too …

Everyone wants to believe that because a person is highly attractive, he or she is above the rest of us. This is not the case. We’re all mere mortals. Glorifying a person for being beautiful is equally as ridiculous as you being shunned for looking like an ogre. It doesn’t hurt to remember every so often that your fantasy babe’s looks will eventually fade, and they’ll become just like the rest of us. When this happens, he or she will regret not taking a chance on your mediocrity when they had the opportunity. It’s never too late to grow old in one another’s ugly arms.

>> Get used to weird looks …

Accept the fact that when you’re seen on the arm of someone out of your league, there will be comments. Most of them are going to be naysayers who are just jealous of your ability to snag someone beyond your social strata. Soon enough though, the hushed whispers of, “She’s with him?” will become a testimony to your sexual prowess rather than unflattering commentary about your looks. At the end of the day, you got the one you wanted, right?