"There's the right way, and then there's your way … "

After word of the historical Brexit vote inundated news cycles for at least a few seconds, it became abundantly clear that America still has some daddy issues: We’re both a little bit racist. But while many are trying to find a clear path to undo the turmoil, sometimes you find your friends may have gotten the memo but never read the fine print. Here’s how to handle that.

Don’t say: “What the fuck, Brice?!”
Say this instead: “Dude, not appropriate.”
Why? Causing a scene only makes things worse.

Don’t say: “You should kill yourself.”
Say this instead: “There’s the right way, and then there’s your way.”
Why? Wishing death on people? Lame.

Don’t say: “You’re pathetic.”
Say this instead: “Here’s what you need to know …”
Why? Education > ignorance.

Don’t say: “You can’t wear that.”
Say this instead: “You shouldn’t wear that because …”
Why? They can do whatever they want. Sometimes, they just shouldn’t.

Don’t say: “Where’s your hood.”
Say this instead: “So, who are you voting for again?”
Why? It was an accident, chill before going full attack.