A woman driving along Interstate 70 was arrested last month after she called 911 and claimed that eight vehicles were following her.
How much do you want to bet that she was going 50 miles per hour in the left lane?
According to OutThere Colorado, a couple in a car called 911 traveling westbound on I-70, claiming that they were being followed by eight different cars, and that the cars had even stopped at the same gas stations that they had.
Once Summit County authorities caught up to the couple, the driver admitted to consuming both alcohol and cocaine, or as we like to call it, “Tuesday Night.”
She went on to fail roadside tests and was consequently arrested. While it’s never cool to drive under the influence, we can’t really blame the woman for being paranoid. The last time we drank, railed cocaine and then drove I-70, we thought God himself was conspiring against us, too.
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