Kevin Spacey has fallen off the radar almost completely since sexual abuse accusations started coming out of the woodwork against him in 2017.

The first to publicly come out was actor Anthony Rapp, who said that Spacey groped him and made lewd comments to him when he was only 14 years old. Since then, NBC reported over 20 anonymous young men over the course of 18 years had come forward to accuse Spacey of sexual abuse or assault.

Three of whom, actually died under extremely mysterious circumstances just prior to their days in court.

The scandal pretty much meant the end of Spacey’s acting career — at least, for a time. He was essentially erased from his Netflix show House of Cards, and hasn’t had a legit role in a film since the 2018 release of the Billionaire Boys Club. Spacey was effectively “Me-Too’d” and mostly disappeared from the lime light. Except for a few very creepy and bizarre videos he’s uploaded to YouTube in the years since, Spacey’s screen-time has been essentially axed.

Until now.

Recently though, Italian director Franco Nero announced that Spacey had accepted a cameo role in his new drama, L’uomo Che Disegnò Dio (or The Man Who Drew God) — a thriller coincidentally about an artist accused of sexually abusing minors. In which, Spacey will play the role of an Italian detective who’s investigating the accused sexual abuser.

“I’m very happy Kevin agreed to participate in my film. I consider him a great actor and I can’t wait to start the movie,” Nero told ABC News.

It’s a hell of a role to jump back into acting with — especially since the story so closely parallels elements of his own secret life (allegedly).

But Spacey is no stranger to playing roles that are uncomfortably ‘autobiographical.’ Anyone who remembers House of Cards will remember how Spacey’s character Frank Underwood made advances on younger men, threatening anyone who stood against him with murder. Or how Spacey used that character in a video called “Let Me Be Frank” to essentially deny all allegations against him.

That was before Anthony Rapp came forward with his stories about Spacey, and before Spacey himself had come out of the closet. In fact, Spacey didn’t come out, until the very same day that accusation was levelled against him by Rapp — a move that was disparaged by other prominent actors in the gay community like George Takei, as being a blatant distraction from the accusations.

Bizarrely, three of Spacey’s accusers have died before their court dates, under pretty suspicious circumstances. Linda Kulkin was the first, who was fatally struck by a car in February of 2018 — for whom a murder investigation was opened up, but never resolved. Then, an anonymous massage therapist who was suing Spacey for sexual abuse, became #2 to die, in September of 2018 just one month  after agreeing to a lawsuit against spacey. And finally Ari Behn, a Norwegian author who had accused Spacey of groping him at a concert, committed suicide on Christmas Day in 2019 — just after spacey had released this creepy video called “Kill Them With Kindness.”

Aside from personal YouTube videos like this one, Spacey has been keeping a notably low profile since all of these allegations surfaced. But, apparently, when Nero approached him with this once-in-a-lifetime cameo role, the wealthy and established actor just couldn’t turn down such a juicy opportunity. Which, is odd — to say the least.

Why would spacey be so eager to jump on this small-time acting job? Why did Nero think Spacey would be the right guy for the job? Is it some kind of joke? Or is it a more sinister message from Spacey to the public — almost like OJ Simpson’s book “If I Did It”?

What’s certain, though, is that Spacey’s accusers are not happy that he got the part in this forthcoming pedophilia drama. Understandably. Who wants to see the guy who sexually assaulted them, playing a good-cop investigating a sexual assaulter, on-screen?

No one. But we’re all going to watch it.