Happy-hour's coming early today …
We know what you're thinking: This sounds a whole lot like "National Donut Day" or "National Hug a Left-Handed Person Day" or some nonsense. It's not. It's actually a very legit reason to get wasted tonight (or right now).
National Beer Day is a real holiday, celebrated on April 7 of every year. Why? In 1933, this date marked the end of prohibition, which meant Americans could finally — for the first time in 13 years — legally buy, make and drink beer. Upon signing the legislation, President Franklin Roosevelt made his famous remark, “I think this would be a good time for a beer.”
Can you imagine living through that hell? No alcohol whatsoever without the fear of going to prison? For some stupid reason, that's exactly what America did … but thank god it's over now.
Here's a look at what each state loves most when it comes to barley pop.
From Let's Grab a Beer:
America Loves Lager – it’s the nation’s most popular beer style. Nationwide, there’s a lot of love for classic American lagers, making lager the most popular beer style in America. Most Midwesterners and Southerners overwhelming choose lager as their beer of choice. In fact, lagers represent more than 80% of all beer sold by volume.*
New York: European Lager – New York shows off its cosmopolitan heritage with a fondness for European lagers, which are extraordinarily popular in The Empire State.
Colorado: Wheat – Coloradans are sweet on wheat beers. With Colorado’s proud heritage of wheat production, it should come as no surprise locals pour “prairie gold.” Wheat beer is remarkably more popular in Colorado than the rest of the country.
Southwest Border States (CA, NV, NM): Mexican Lagers – On the Southwest border, they serve up the cerveza! Not surprisingly, Mexican lagers are extremely popular in this part of the country, bordering Mexico.
Alaska: Dark Beer – Alaskans won’t see sun in winter and enjoy midnight sun all summer, but like their beer dark year-round. Dark beers are unusually popular in the last frontier.
But really, Wyoming and Wisconsin? You wishy-washy bunch of jokers. Your favorite flavor is "Variety pack"? Come on. Pick a lane.
That same site even found what 'kids these days' like best:
Beer is more popular amongst Millennials (55%) than mixed drinks (35%), wine (30%), vodka (27%), whisky (24%), champagne/Prosecco (19%), gin (8%), tequila (1%) and rum (0%).
And we can totally get behind that, because rum is awful.
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