If there’s one thing that COVID killed almost outright, it was every stoner’s expectations for 4/20/2020.
It was going to be the biggest, the best yet — the preordained year of pot prophecy — when all the numbers seemed to line up. Things were going to get crazy, out of hand. There were going to be festivals across the country in legal states full of stoners a’gathering to get as high as humanly possible.
That’s all hope from a past life though — plans from the “before times.” Things are different now, and 4/20/2020 will likely go down as one of the most deflated and anti-climactic 4/20’s in the history of the holiday.
But, it doesn’t have to all be such a bummer. Because, one determined cannabis user by the name of Tony Deiepenrock, has made it his mission to get a party going, regardless of all the current COVID restrictions. He’s inviting you, and me and every single person on the Planet Earth who smokes weed and owns a computer to get online, join a Zoom meeting, and help break the world record for “the most people consuming cannabis over video chat.”
If you want to be a part of this truly historic event, just enter your email here and get on the waiting list to join the smoke sesh with thousands and thousands of other stoners.
Perhaps the best part of this weird, circumvented 4/20 celebration, is that 100% of the profits made from this endeavor are going to be donated to helping set free the over 40,000 inmates who are serving time behind bars for non-violent cannabis infractions.
How are they making profits off of this Zoom burn sesh? It’s a good question. There is no mention on the 420worldrecord.com website or on the accompanying Instagram post, that discusses whether it is a donation-based thing, or if there is a fee to join. Nor is there any description of how the profits might contribute to the freedom of those non-violent incarcerated stoners.
Despite those unanswered questions, it’s bound to be a unique experience. Will the internet be able to handle such a massive streaming event? Can the stoners of the world come together over Zoom and break a world record?
Sign up and tune in on April 20th, at 4:20 pm to find out.
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