In a perfect world everybody would be rich, talented, beautiful and quick witted. We’d all get along without bias towards the next because we’d be cut from the same cloth, easy to digest and arrive everywhere looking like decadent treats to the eyes. No one soul would be less than because we’d all be equal to.

Unfortunately for us in the real world that’s not the case. Some of us – especially in the office here – were dealt a rather paltry hand. We’re not mad though because we get that some were just luckier than others. What we lack in beauty and talent we more than make up for in the ability to nap anywhere and ‘don’t care what our haircut looks like’ attitude.

One of those works of art blessed with good fortune is a recently discovered pop and soul entertainer from Denver, CO. Her name is RoxyLeeHeart and spends much of her time in the light as a fashion and beauty model. She’s as easy on the ears as she is the eyes and has recently dropped her single titled “Boys.” It’s a rare release from the formidable vocalist, and one that has our attention peaked. We’re excited for more.

Says Heart of her sporadic releases:

The reason I haven't uploaded much is because I've been putting all of my effort into writing my own body of work. Throughout my career in music, I spent a lot of time in bands or working with musicians on their music, writing lyrics to their songs and whatnot.

I got to a point where I wasn't making myself happy and I wasn't fulfilled in my music. I realized I was denying my inner pop tart and decided to focus on writing the music I wanted to make. I struggled finding the right producer to bring my work to life. In fact, I wrote boys 4 years ago, and tried many times to produce it but it just never worked. That kinda brings me to present, I hooked up with Rokboi Fresh at the beginning of the year and we were immediately on the same page musically. We busted out a new and revamped version of the original music and it just became fire!

Her immediate plans aren’t to work on a full album specifically, rather, release singles as they come and work more towards a mixtape via vinyl and a music video for “Boys.”