Too lifted to read the news? Every week, we recap the most interesting news in the world of drugs. To inform, to liberate. 


1. Ecstasy might not be as bad for your brain as once thought, researchers said. While there have been a number of studies showing that ecstasy — MDMA, molly — wears holes in your brain the way dancers wear holes in the carpet, these old studies "are likely to overestimate the extent of serotonergic alterations experienced by the majority of people who use ecstasy," because most studies are of super heavy users. Meanwhile, ecstasy users who participated in the Global Drug Survey said they roll, on average, once every other month.

2. Ecstasy pills are getting stronger, that same study said, as the typical pill now has 125 mg of MDMA, up from around 80 a decade ago toward. A Dutch study said the number is now up to 167 mg.

3. Cocaine is purifying, those Dutch researchers said. Went from 59 percent pure in 2014 to 68 percent pure last year. Which is all probably true over there in Dutchland.

4. Politicians saved med weed, as a powerful congressional committee voted to protect state marijuana medical marijuana from the curled, greedy fingers of America's big-eared Keebler drug elf, Jeff Sessions. One congress member noted that 92 percent of Americans support medical marijuana.

5. States seem set to legalize it, not criticize it, as 61 percent of Michigan-ite-onians polled said they'll vote for a rec cannabis bill this November; 62 percent of Oklahoma-ite-ians said they'll vote for MJ as medical medicine.

6. Weed-legal states often have the fewest drug problems … even if you count all marijuana use as a "problem."

7. Famous food writer Michael Pollan once advised the country to "Eat Food. Mostly Plants. Not Too Much." He has a new book called "How to Change Your Mind," basically saying: "Take Drugs. Mostly Psychedelics. Not Too Much." (That's our summary, anyway.) The book is getting all the press. Pollan went on Colbert and talked about how, basically, he no longer has a face because he tripped it off. The comedian was uncomfortable. But the book is having an impact. A small-town Indiana newspaper columnist called on his government to study LSD.

8. Mommies love molly, supposedly, as middle-class women are holding parties in which they munch MDMA — ecstasy, molly — wrapped in cheese, often brie cheese. They call this "brieing." And a weird new word for rolling is born.

9. An e-cig turned into an e-ssassin, as a nicotine vape pen exploded in the face of a Florida man and sent projectives though his head. He's dead now.

10. And pop star Lily Allen revealed that, after she won a music award from Glamour Magazine in 2008, she had to be carried out like a ragdoll after mistakenly snorting a line of ketamine, thinking it was coke, and k-holing.

Photo by Itay Kabalo on Unsplash