Sometimes, street art has a face only a mother could love. Although some street artists come along and make the dull concrete landscape come gloriously alive with their spray cans, others make it look like the haunted house your high school put on. But regardless of how you feel about the beautifying ability of street art, there's a new trend in artistic vandalism that everyone can agree looks pretty goddamn cool: moss graffiti.

Sometimes, street art has a face only a mother could love. Although some street artists come along and make the dull concrete landscape come gloriously alive with their spray cans, others make it look like the haunted house your high school put on. But regardless of how you feel about the beautifying ability of street art, there's a new trend in artistic vandalism that everyone can agree looks pretty goddamn cool: moss graffiti.

Not only is it a sight for sore eyes, but it's also smooth as a baby's bottom, which is great because there's not enough people lovingly petting city walls out there today. Moss graffiti is also eco-friendly as it doesn’t use any aerosols; and it's stupid easy to make.

Here is a recipe so you can make you're own if you're an enterprising young fella or gal like your LinkedIn says you are.

To get started you’ll need:
3 cups of moss (washed, clean of soil)
2 cups of buttermilk or 2 cups of yogurt (should be plain yogurt)
2 cups of water or beer
1/2 tsp of sugar
corn syrup (optional)
a blender that you probably don’t want to use other than for this

Put them all together like so: