Damn this band was fun to listen to …

As far as the electronic music industry is concerned, Sonny "Skrillex" Moore has kind of been the de facto punching bag of it for many years. He makes great music and all — most of it anyway — but always finds himself at the butt end of jokes (which is probably fine for him, he's worth an estimated $36 million).

Many are unaware that he fronted a hardcore emo (oxymoron?) band for a few years before his rise in EDM though. And dammit if it wasn't a good band. Want to hear a great track? Throw on "Ride the Wings of Pestilence" — you'll never regret it. 

But that was way back when, and a reunion never seemed likely. Until now that is, because Sonny got the band back together and recently dropped "Make War" with it — an homage back to the early 2000s when a pale dude screaming into a microphone was popular. 

Damn this band was fun to listen to.