You shouldn't have to take out a loan to afford a sex toy.

However, when you consider that a quality vibrator that won't electrocute or infect your womb can run you about $150, it makes sense that women sometimes have to get crafty with their masturbation objects.

This is exactly the setup photographer Steph Wilson's new photo series explores. Featuring crisply rendered photographs of women and some of their more creative sex toy choices, her work shows that female masturbation is far nuanced and innovative than previously imagined.

Well … necessity is the mother of invention and all that.

In the series, she lovingly shoots conveniently shaped cucumbers, electric toothbrushes, and "interesting" sweet potatoes with the same care and sensitivity she brings to her human subjects. These include a diverse catalog of awesomely horny women, including a senior citizen called Mary who confessed in the studio to using a big black dildo "back in the day." Hell yeah, Mary.

"It was important to me to show a broad range of ages and ethnicities, as, you know, everyone wanks," Wilson said to VICE, where her photos were originally published. "I wanted to shoot something rooted by a feminist concept but keep it very tongue-in-cheek." Coming up with potential sex toys was, she said, "a great icebreaker on the topic [of jerking off]. As women, we can get disturbingly creative."

Here are some of Wilson's more revealing shots: