Today in pointless uses of science, a new study has revealed that art students have way more sex than students studying computers and dentistry. Also, the sky is blue and kittens are cute and it hurts when your legs get cut off.
Today in pointless uses of science, a new study has revealed that art students have way more sex than students studying computers and dentistry. Also, the sky is blue and kittens are cute and it hurts when your legs get cut off.
But what's behind this writhing orgy of Rembrandt lovers? Probably irresistible situations like this one:
According to a survey by British student newspaper The Tab, only 1 percent of art students are virgins, while 10 percent of computer scientists/ future Steve Jobs still have those fashionable hymens intact.
The survey interviewed 11,549 about their sex lives, then categorized their answers based on what their undergraduate major was.
It found that fifteen percent of students had had gotten down before the legal age of 15, while 19 percent said they were 17 when they lost their virginities. Twenty-two percent said they were 18-years-old when desire overwhelmed their post-pubescent bodies.
The highest percentage of virgins were in the computer science field, followed closely by physics students. Dentistry clocked in five percent, and chemistry, law, engineering, geography and medicine were all at four percent.
Art and sociology majors were the most sexually active bunch, with one percent retaining their purity. Art history, philosophy, languages, business, and politics students were almost as DTF, with just two percent of students walking the earth unaware of the sweet intoxication of strawberry flavored lube.
It was also revealed that by the time students reached the middle of their college education, they already have had an average of 8.2 sexual partners.
… and that's why people stay in college for seven years!
Fortunately for the science majors, payoff is a nectar sweeter than temptation of the flesh … it just takes a few years for them to start having the more sex than Magic Johnson. Although the survey shows being tinkering with wires while soaked in B.O. before your theoretical physics exam in university doesn't make you the most successful in the bone zone, it pays in (actual) dividends later. According to Forbes, the highest earning college degree is engineering and computer science, with humanities and social sciences (re: arts) at the bottom. And once you get that rich … the ass comes to you.
Fortunately, for us journalism majors, we're neither getting rich nor laid, so … cheers to stability?
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