Looking for a job? You should be Malaysia Airline's new PR person. They're gonna need one after the marketing stunt they pulled this week.

Looking for a job? You should be Malaysia Airline's new PR person. They're gonna need one after the marketing stunt they pulled this week.

The stunt, called "My Ultimate Bucket List," invited would-be passengers in Australia and New Zealand to share their bucket list for a chance for free airline tickets and iPads.

Of course, the definition of "bucket list" in the dictionary is this: "a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying."

Uh … bucket list? An airline that has killed 537 passengers this year wants your bucket list? Cue the Beethoven's Fifth!

"Macabre" would be the first word that comes to mind regarding the airline's marketing choices, and the second is definitely "new marketing person."

We're betting that 100% of Australians and New Zealanders have the same #1 item on their bucket list: "Don't die on a Malaysia Airlines flight."

One has to wonder how this idea became a reality. It had to have gone through multiple levels of approval, and at each level, some man or woman nodded and said, "Looks great guys, let's run with this incredibly horrifying marketing thing!" Some slogans that must have been considered:

1. Seal your fate! Step aboard now!

2. Say goodbye to your family and hello to the friendly skies! 

3. At least we gave you some warning!

4. Have you had a chance to review and sign an advance directive?!

We mean, shit. We'd take flying Frontier over that mortifying message any day.

But MH370 isn't the only thing to have disappeared lately … the website for the contest has too, indicating that a fair number of people must have voiced some concern over its message. So, as of now, your bucket list wish for a free seat on a Malaysia Airlines flight will have to be postponed. In the meantime, maybe you can work on some taglines for their newest crowd-sourced campaign, "How Do You Do This Airline Thing? Please Help."