As a photographer, Patrick Hall spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make people feel comfortable in front of the camera. But then he started to wonder … what would happen if he did the exact opposite? So, instead of making his models feel at home on set, he sat them down, stripped them, and tazed those sons of guns. Because, art!

As a photographer, Patrick Hall spent an inordinate amount of time trying to make people feel comfortable in front of the camera. But then he started to wonder … what would happen if he did the exact opposite? So, instead of making his models feel at home on set, he sat them down, stripped them, and tazed those sons of guns. Because, art!

Actually, he set it up so each person was tazed by their friend or significant other, so the reactions ended up being a little more intimate than if say, you or I were to taze these people. Because nothing says "I love you" like 50,000 volts of paralyzing electricity. Aww.

As you can imagine, the photos are hilarious. They're even funnier if you pretend that their bodily contortions are their response to seeing Kanye's weener.

And here's a video for those of you who want to see this in live action, which should be all of you: