It's been over two decades since the Internet went mainstream in 1995. And in those years since, it's become no secret: it's done some good, but has also fucked us up real, real bad.
From making it easier to cheat to melting your brain capacity to turning everyone against one another for no good reason other than someone happened to lazily allow their iPhones to misspell "your" instead of going through the trouble to correct it — the web esta no bueno.
This is something Andrei Lacatusu, a CGI artist based in Bucharest, Romania, has come to understand. In his series titled "Social Decay," he examines what it is that's brought us to where we are today. In an email to, Lacatusu states that the idea behind the decaying logos wasn't so much a statement against the companies themselves (he doesn't wish for them to go under), but "the decay of society itself."
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