It’s hilarious, because it’s all true …

It’s hilarious, because it’s all true …

The ladies and gentlemen at Denver Post and Reverb are very self-aware of their annual music festival. Not only is it a bastion of great underground music — showcasing the highest talent around town (along with a few peppered in nationals) — but it’s also a meeting and greeting ground for the state’s healthiest fashion and trend dynamics known to the millennial demographic. HIPSTERS … as Buzzfeed would likely call them …

Which is fine, whatever, wear what you want and be who you are — so long as it’s genuine and not harming others, why bother, ya? But that doesn’t mean the rest of us normies (or even you hipster-identified) can’t have a little fun with the relentless people watching of #UMS2015. For the occasion, Reverb created a UMS BINGO card for everyone to play along with while attending this year’s festival.

And .. why not, we're feeling giving, shout out a "BINGO" to us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook too and we’ll maybe send you some stuff for playing along. It’s all in good fun. Happy festivalus!

Don't cheat!