A few months ago, we brought you Episode 1 of Low Hanging Fruit, cartoonist Jake Reed's wholesome animated series about wastoid mongloids doing cocaine off stripper tits on the way to Water World. Don't even make us tell you that shit was hilarious because you know it was; it's been reason we've had to explain to our boss why we're giggling at the computer screen for the last six months.

A few months ago, we brought you Episode 1 of Low Hanging Fruit, cartoonist Jake Reed's wholesome animated series about wastoid mongloids doing cocaine off stripper tits on the way to Water World. Don't even make us tell you that shit was hilarious because you know it was; it's been reason we've had to explain to our boss why we're giggling at the computer screen for the last six months.

Since then, Jake has given us something else to laugh at: three new episodes of the series, which we're bringing you today for two reasons. First, #YOLO, his animations are amazing. Who else draws pen-and-ink monster things using Tinder to score babes, then animates it to G.G. Allin? If you answered nobody, you are correct. Dude's a visionary. Second, look at what you can do with your art degree!

Here's where we're at: when we last left off, all-around nice guy L-Train tricked drunk Dave into going to Water World, but psych! He's taking him straight to rehab instead. Will Dave get straight or fall off the wagon into a sea of jiggling boobs then party with Rob Halford from Judas Priest at a leather daddy bar?

Find out for yourself below.