Album reviews for those with terrible attention to … hey look a spider! Have an album submission? Email it to us at

Album reviews for those with terrible attention to … hey look a spider! Have an album submission? Email it to us at


Branded Bandits: Change

Style is different from image. One is a natural occurrence you can thank mom and dad for; the other … it’s something people do when they’re trying too hard. The gods­given style Branded Bandits exudes in its debut album is unmatched in local talent right now. The classic rock­tinged attitudes these young artists portray aren’t of this earth; and we hope that will never “Change.”

Rose Quartz: Flashlights EP

We’ve collected a healthy amount of cease and desist letters too, so we know how the guys in Rose Quartz (formerly FLASH/LIGHTS) feel about theirs. The “Flashlights EP” is a collection of singles in homage to the band name left behind, and it’s one of those compilations that make us put our pants on two legs at a time. The new branding is an attractive endeavor into its developed electro­pop sound.


Breathe Carolina: Savages

Lineup changes happen often, but when the face of the act shifts, it’s hard to bounce back. After Kyle Even left Breathe Carolina everyone questioned the future. “Savage” is the answer. The band is flourishing in its new­found identity and the loyal base of fans proves that it’s a stable fit. The album is a powerful look into the psyche of rock stars and the unapologetic energy that needs to come with it.

Taking Back Sunday: Happiness Is

The tried and true method of catchy post­hardcore rhythms, big guitars and power vocals has never deflected Taking Back Sunday into a corner before, so why diddle with the formula now? “Happiness Is” wants you to take a nostalgic journey with the band into the scene of years past. Sometimes the best formula is to stick with what the fans know and continue to deliver what we want. We’re so needy.