Up until about the early aughts, Radio Shack was the go-to spot for anything electronics. Want a phat new R/C car for Christmas? Radio Shack. Need to splice the phone jack for two lines so you don't get kicked off AOL by your slutty sister anymore? Radio Shack. Need to shoplift a phone case for your Nokia with sick tribal decals on it or something? Radio Shack.

But like with most specialty retailers, it took a massive dive when the Internet caught on — bopping and dumping in and out of financial waters for the better part of the last decade. It gave it a solid try after filing for bankruptcy to figure things out, however it just doesn't look like it has any hope of a viable future. This all proven by its sad Twitter account, which is basically just an empty corner of the Internet waiting to die.

Look at how exuberant the company used to be:

It was the future. But now, it's been diluted to this, a fire-sale of everything the company has worked for since 1921:

Vaya con Dios, Radio Shack.