"I don't really believe in pickup lines, I believe in moments. The pickup line can be totally wrong if it is said in the right moment."

Name: Ela Rose

Nickname (s): E, Elle

Where are you from? I am from a small town south of Sweden. I lived there most of my life and then I moved to Spain for a year before moving to LA three years ago.

Fashion trend that needs to stop: Drop crotch pants.

Guilty pleasure: I'm addicted to chocolate.

Go-to party trick: I can't think of any.

Best pickup line:  I don't really believe in pickup lines, I believe in moments. The pickup line can be totally wrong if it is said in the right moment.

Worst job you've ever had: Cocktail waitress in Spain.

Weirdest thing in your fridge at this moment:  I have a empty fridge right now, I'm mostly eating out or traveling.

It's 4am in the morning after a long night of partying, what are you eating? Burger and fries.

What's one cause in the world you'd stand up for?  Human rights.

You win $20 million, what would you do with the money?  I would invest most of the money, buy a house and give some to charity.

How did you get into modeling? It was really by accident. I had a friend ask me to shoot for their company and I did it for fun and since then I got booked for a lot of jobs.

What are a few career accomplishments you're most proud of? I'm proud of achieving a college degree. But with my modeling career, it would have to be the 138 water campaigns that I did for them.

When you're not working, what do you do in your free time? I like to workout, go to the movies, and just hangout with my friends.

Favorite part about being a model? Travel, meet new people and opportunities.

If you weren't a model, what would you be doing? I want to work with fashion in the future so I guess that's what I would be doing now If I wasn't modeling, hopefully in a few years I will have my own swimwear/lingerie line.

One thing people should know about you: I love to laugh and I'm always positive. Because I noticed that life will take you further if you have good energy, if that makes any sense haha.

Any last shout-outs for the readers? Check out my instagram of course, @thisisela!