Have you met Shannon Sales?
Name: Shannon Sales
Nickname (s): Shay or Bunny
Fashion trend that needs to stop: Mini skirt with Uggs… Yikes!
Guilty pleasure: Cereal, especially as a midnight snack!
Go-to party trick: The Houdini: when it's time to go I pull a disappearing act.
Best pickup line: Oh, this question… Ha ha! There are so many but somehow I always fall for them. Obviously I’m gullible.
Worst job you've ever had: Hostess at Chevys… I would always smell so bad like food at the end of my shift.
It's 4am in the morning after a long night of partying, what are you eating? Grilled cheese, and of course cereal! I try to stay away from the Jack in the Box drive-thru but sometimes it happens… š
What's one cause in the world you'd stand up for? Anything to do with animals. I feel like there's not enough help and awareness for animals.
You win $20 million, what would you do with the money? Wow, $20 million! First, I would donate and help as much as I can to those in need all over the world. I would travel and buy properties in some of my favorite places. I feel that travel is the one thing you can buy and it will make you richer.
Where are you from? I was born and raised in San Jose, California.
How did you get into modeling? It has always been a passion and interest of mine, so this last year and half I decided to go for it!
What are a few career accomplishments you're most proud of? Not giving up is always first. Getting signed with my agency in March. My first publication worldwide as the centerfold in the 2014 Hot Rod Girls special edition magazine. Such an amazing feeling when you open up a magazine and you see yourself!
When you're not working, what do you do in your free time? Im a health/workout nut. You will find me doing Soulcycle, Hot Pilates and Yoga. But just put me in a bikini near the water with a glass of champagne and I am one happy girl. I’m a girly girl at heart, so I love creating memories with my girlfriends, getting dressed up, laughing and dancing the night away.
Favorite part about being a model? Being able to collaborate with so many talented people and telling a story through a picture without using any words.
If you weren't a model, what would you be doing? I am still new to the modeling world so it is a part-time thing for me right now. I am currently working on starting my own business. I have to be an entrepreneur because me and a desk job don’t get along!
One thing people should know about you: I am actually pretty shy, especially when I get compliments. My face tends to turn red and I never know how to reply!
Any last shout-outs for the readers? Thank you so much for all the support and don’t forget to follow me on IG @shannonsales to see my wild journey. š
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