Geez Louise Tina Louise!

Name: Tina Louise

Nickname(s): Teens

Where are you from? Bondi Beach, Sydney Australia

Fashion trend that needs to stop: Dresses so short you have to keep pulling them down every 2 steps. Come on ladies.

Guilty pleasure: online shopping

Go-to party trick: I wish I had one

Best pickup line: "I think your halo fell off."

Worst job you've ever had: As a teenager growing up in the country, my father made me mow the lawn every month. It took two hours! I Hated it.

Weirdest thing in your fridge at this moment: pickled ginger, I'm obsessed

It's 4am in the morning after a long night of partying, what are you eating? I'm not the partying type, usually in bed by 10:30 lol.

What's one cause in the world you'd stand up for? Domestic Violence, Racism and Anti-Bullying.

You win $20 million, what would you do with the money? Buy my parents their dream home, give some to my brothers and sisters, then travel the world.

How did you get into modeling? I was scouted by a photographer at the age of 21.

What are a few career accomplishments you're most proud of? I won Australia's Hottest Bikini Model when I was 25. I was also interviewed on television for being the most downloaded model in Australia and gracing the covers of many magazines included Maxim, FHM and Zoo Weekly.

When you're not working, what do you do in your free time? Play with my two dogs or ride my beach cruiser around Newport Beach.

Favorite part about being a model? Traveling!! And getting to work with some amazing photographers

If you weren't a model, what would you be doing? I'd have my own boutique clothing store here in America and only stock Australian labels. Australia has the best designers.

One thing people don't know about you: I was raised in the country. We had chickens that laid eggs and a vegetable garden. We were very self contained. There's was a small town with dirt roads but we were miles away from everything.