The music industry loves to squeeeeeze every penny that it can from live performances. It’s an unfortunate fallout of the digital revolution, and one that many ticket buyers probably witness first-hand after the shock of show prices subsides. We wanted cheaper music, so we’re getting higher ticket prices – that’s the way it works, everyone, sorry no free lunches here either.

So when a company comes out to make the mission of a show more about the music than the profit, well first we wonder where’s the catch, and second we ask where to sign up. That’s exactly what Red Bull has been up to lately in its newest endeavors in the “Red Bull Sound Select Presents:” campaign. Tomorrow it brings The Joy Formidable with supporting locals The Epilogues and Wire Faces.

Via it’s site, Red Bull explains itself as “a long-term initiative that celebrates local music and the people that push it forward: hard working artists, passionate fans, and tastemakers that shape scenes. It’s part artist development program, part event series, part digital product, part partner network, all working together to bring artists and fans closer together to break music.”

They pick local tastemakers to pick acts that go along with a major touring act, throw them in a small venue, let the fans come for a dirt cheap price, and let the organic nature of music take over. It’s simple. Almost too simple. There has to be a catch?

No catch, as far as we can tell. And we’re really good at catching catches. All we had to do was RSVP here, and make sure that we show up early because the show is first-come-first-served and the 3 Kings capacity sits right around 450. It will fill quick.

Show Deets:

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014 @ 8:00 pm
    60 S. Broadway, Denver, CO 80209
    Becuase we're assuming you've got nothing better to do on a Tuesday night, much like us. Twinsies!
How Much:
    $5 – If you were smart enough to pay attention to us above and RSVP for the event.