Meet the Encintas girl with an addiction to surfing. 

Name: Ivy Miller @ivuss

Nickname: Ive, vuss, ivy,

Hometown: Encinitas, CA

Drink of choice: Rombauer

Fashion trend that needs to stop: The awful little top man bun.

Guilty pleasure: Gushers.

Worst job you've ever had: Teaching surf lessons with stormy weather and a swell.

What’s the strangest thing in your fridge right now? White tea mushrooms… we're making kombucha.

What’s the best or worst pick up line you've heard? When guys fake drown.

Every girl should have: A stun gun for protection and a joint for period pain.

What’s your greatest accomplishment to date? Helping this adorable 9 year old girl with Down syndrome stand up and ride down the face of a pretty sizable wave on a board with me.

Worst date experience: Asked this boy to go to the dance with me and then he threw up on my dress… twice.

It's 4am in the morning after a long night of partying, what are you eating? Coconut water and Advil. I've acknowledged that I'm going to be hurting the next day so I'm taking action before the physical pain sets in.

What's one cause in the world you'd stand up for? Equal rights.

How did you get into modeling? Surfing!

What are a few career accomplishments you're most proud of? Absolutely everything so far.

When you're not working, what do you do in your free time? Play my violin, read, hike, surf…

Favorite part about being a model? Travel!

If you weren't a model, what would you be doing? Geologist!

One thing people should know about you: I have really bizarre sense of humor

Any last shout-outs for the readers? Kai with the hatchet and stitches.

See more of Ivy on Instagram @ivuss