Who knew a lifetime of public servitude comes with such sweet benefits?
The team responsible for the Cards Against Humanity game never disappoint. If they aren't digging holes for no reason whatsoever or sending poop to people who deserve it, they're out there in the real world pissing into the political wind delivering just statements that need to be delivered justly.
Most recently, creator Max Temkin partnered with author Tommy Maranges and video-game maker Mike Boxleiter to send all 50 U.S. Senators a new game the trio created called "Secret Hitler."
It's a game aptly set in 1933 Germany that speaks to the rise in fascism. Meant to be played by anywhere from 5-10 people, the game's objective is to just simply stop the rise of an evil dictator before it's too late.
"The majority of players are liberals," says the game's site. "If they can learn to trust each other, they have enough votes to control the table and win the game. But some players are fascists. They will say whatever it takes to get elected, enact their agenda, and blame others for the fallout. The liberals must work together to discover the truth before the fascists install their cold-blooded leader and win the game."
Along with the 50 games, the team also sent letters to each of the senators explaining why they need this very relevant game in their lives at this particular point in time.
“To achieve his evil ends, Adolf Hitler required the cooperation of well-meaning men who hoped to appease and control the Nazis,” says a narrator reading the letter in the video below. “Our game explores that relationship and highlights the difficulty of recognizing your own manipulation before it’s too late. Although our game takes place in 1933 Germany, we thought you and your staff might find our game relevant as you negotiate the balance of power with the Trump White House.”
The game, which costs $35 on Amazon.com, is available to all non-senators as well.
Who knew a lifetime of public servitude comes with such sweet gifts?
We sent a copy of Secret Hitler to every U.S. Senator: pic.twitter.com/38tMVfmP6a
— Max Temkin (@MaxTemkin) February 24, 2017
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