Sergio Garcia and Tiger Woods have had a testy relationship over the years which intensified after Sergio blamed Tiger for disrupting his shot at the Player's Championship, a shot he claims cost him the tournament. Now, the back-and-forth has reached a new level with Sergio Garcia's comments at the European Tour Player of the Year Awards where Sergio was asked in jest by the host of the evening whether he'd be having Tiger Woods over for dinner at next month's U.S. Open. 

Garcia replied:

'We will have him round every night. We will serve fried chicken.' 

Almost everyone, including Garcia, were shocked that he had that bit of racist bite in him. It probably wasn't until after the adrenaline settled and the news outlets started questioning his Klan connections that he issued a brash apology.

'I apologize for any offense that may have been caused by my comment on stage during The European Tour Players' Awards dinner. I answered a question that was clearly made towards me as a joke with a silly remark, but in no way was the comment meant in a racist manner.'

As for Tiger? He twitted this to his 3 million twitter followers: 

But he finally accepted the apology and remarked that it was time to talk golf.

With the water under the bridge, it was time to move on. That was until Sergio arrived in England today for tomorrow's BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth and addressed reporters with a new set of fighting words. This time minus the racial slurs and instead aimed at his marital problems. 

‘So, Tiger Woods has called me a whiner? He’s probably right,’ he said, before adding: ‘But that’s also probably the first thing he’s told you guys that’s true in the last 15 years.’ 

Get out the popcorn because between Tiger's past and Sergio's racist jargon, the shit-talking leading up to the U.S. Open should be one for the ages. And we're almost positive Sergio has plenty more racial slurs up his sleeve.