We ask a 7-year-old girl about love and relationships to better understand our own shortcomings …
We ask 7-year-old Haven about love and relationships to better understand our own shortcomings — children always have a far better grasp on adult dilemmas than grown-ups do.
What is love?
Love is where, like, there’s lots of types of love. It’s where two people just start, you know, getting together and … so it’s like this [takes her two index fingers] and you don’t know each other then it goes closer and closer. Then when it forms an X, it means you’re in love.
What are some things you do when you’re in love?
Sometimes when I’m in love, I curl my hair a little bit, like this. [twirls her hair]
What does it mean when you get married?
Marriage means when two people are boyfriend and girlfriend and they love each other so much they decide to have a baby so they marry each other and the woman, she has a baby.
Will you ever have babies?
Probably not. I think it will really, really hurt me!
Do you know what it means to be gay?
I know what it means, because two people of the same kind are boyfriend and boyfriend and girlfriend and girlfriend. So like that. If it’s girlfriend and girlfriend I believe that both of them will get babies
Jesus, someone make this girl president …
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