When brewers get bored they don't masturbate like the rest of us, they start brewing with weird shit. And, for this list, only the weirdest of the weird will do. Think testicles, prehistoric whales and moon rocks. So hop on dear reader, we're taking you on a ride into the strangest brews you'll ever encounter. Whether you're able to ever return to normal and enjoy a plain IPA again is not our responsibility.
When brewers get bored they don't masturbate like the rest of us, they start brewing with weird shit. And, for this list only the weirdest of the weird will do. Think testicles, prehistoric whales and moon rocks. So hop on dear reader, we're taking you on a ride into the strangest brews you'll ever encounter. Whether you're able to ever return to normal and enjoy a plain IPA again is not our responsibility.
Dock Street Brewing Company – Dock Street Walker
Yep, you read that right. This Philadelphia-based brewing company let their love of Walking Dead crawl right into their beer. Dock Street Walker is a pale stout that has been brewed with cranberries and smoked goat brains. The cranberries apparently give it a bloody hue while the brain adds a smoky flavor, and lets you test out being a zombie before it actually turns you into one.
2) Indian Food
Sharps Brewery – Barley Tikka Vindaloo
Indian food, in a beer? You bet your sweet sari it's been done. The Barley Tikka Vindaloo mixes curry, chili powder, ginger, coriander, cumin, cardamom and fennel into a light beer so you're one step closer to never eating real food ever again. Although Indian food may be the last thing you want to guzzle down, at least it will give you a buzz. That's much better than the war this particular cuisine normally wages on your gastro-intestinal tract.
3) Whale Fossils
Lost Rhino Brewing Company – Bone Dusters Paleo Ale
What do you do when you want people to care about paleontology? To answer this question, Paleo Quest, a non-profit dedicated to geology and paleontology, partnered up with Lost Rhino Brewing and swabbed some prehistoric whale fossils to see if they could cultivate yeast. Turns out, that shit grows everywhere, so they made a beer out of it. This brew won't be distributed, but we have a feeling it will be a tad dusty with bright notes of the Jurassic period.
4) Beards
Rogue Ales Brewing Company– The Beard Beer
For a brewery that regularly uses doughnuts, bananas and bacon, to push the envelope they have to dig deep. Into their brew master's beard that is. John Maier, the brew master in question, got in the way one day when his brewers were fucking around. They swabbed his 41-year-old beard and found a viable yeast, so of course they brewed with it. It makes the beer a bit sour, like most other wild yeasts, and has citrus notes that mask the fact you're drinking beer made from a beard older than you are.
5) Oysters
Flying Dog Brewery – Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout
If something is too slimy and gag-inducing to eat (although it's debatable if oysters were ever meant to be eaten) but has aphrodisiac qualities, the best way to tap into the sexy is to brew it into a beer. Or so thinks Flying Dog Brewery. They wanted to amp up your game with Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout. Oysters added in the boil make this stout silky with a salty aftertaste. Finally, all the benefits of oysters without having the slimy mollusk glide down your throat.
6) Rocky Mountain Oysters
Wynkoop Brewing Company – Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout
What started as an April fools joke took this Denver brewery by storm. This stout is one of their biggest sellers, because each gallon is brewed with three bull testicles added at the boil. Apparently, three is the magic number to lend a nutty, meaty flavor to this smoky beer. Talk about going balls out.
7) Pizza
Pizza Beer Company – Mama Mia Pizza Beer
Pizza and beer are a match made in heaven. However, it's not surprising at all that nobody thought to put them together until Pizza Beer Company. They literally steep a whole margherita pizza in the beer along with the other grains. The result is a combination you thought you'd only find in your dreams. Tangy tomato sauce, effervescent basil and extra yeasty dough flavors mingle in this ale. But don't worry, you won't find a pepperoni floating around. Unless you put one in for garnish.
8) Hemp
Nectar Ales – Humboldt Brown
Hops and weed are cousins, so it seems only natural to put them together for one dank brew. Adding hemp into the mash of this brown ale adds an earthy, nutty flavor that passes off seamlessly to a bright pine-y taste. Then, it's off to the cocoa notes, that camp on your tongue until you take another sip. Sorry, this beer can't get you high, but it can fill you up with alcohol. However, now that it's legal and all, they're probably working on that.
9) Pastrami
Pipeworks Brewing – Pastrami on Rye
When you can’t pack enough pastrami in your face while in Chicago, one must drink it. Pastrami on Rye Ale is brewed with every single spice used for a pastrami brine. Mustard, bay leaves, peppercorns, smoked malt, allspice, caraway, pickling spice, and many, many more mull around in this ale for a juicy, spicy, meat-tastic party. Now when you have a liquid lunch you don't have to feel bad, because you pretty much just ate a sandwich.
10) Moon Rocks
Dogfish Head Brewing – Celest-jewel-ale
And, when you've tapped out every resource you can find on earth, you have to take your search for strange ingredients out of this world. Dogfish Head Brewery decided the moon was far enough and brewed an Oktoberfest-style ale with crushed up moon rocks. The dust is mostly minerals and salts, so when it's steeped in the beer during fermentation it helps out the yeast. Moon rocks give the ale an extraterrestrial taste and stellar mouth feel. This is one small step for beer, and one giant leap for beer-kind.
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