We could watch this all day. And just might!

There's something we like to do around the office at the end of the week when the boss is gone that we lovingly refer to as "Fuck-off Fridays" — a day not unlike every other Friday, except we start taking shots at 9:00 am instead of lunchtime and rummage through every drawer we can looking for our yoyos that were violently confiscated during last year's "Yo-Yo Ma Mondays" debacle. 

Since we actually have to show our work that we did a few things in authority's absence, we've been on these videos of Snoop Dogg narrating Planet Earth all morning because of its gut-bending hilarity. Props to Jimmy Kimmel and his crew for creating something that isn't stale and pretentiously beaten to death like a lip sync contest or whatever everyone else does late-night. 
