In case you weren’t aware, Snoop Dogg smokes weed — lots of it.

In case you weren’t aware, Snoop Dogg smokes weed — lots of it. He even has his own line of cannabis products called “Leafs By Snoop.” So it’s not surprising that on a recent trip to North Carolina, Snoop-a-loop was greeted by a box of blunts, only this time they weren’t your typical blunts.

Wake-N-Bake bakery out of North Carolina celebrated the oldest rapper in the game, who was there to headline Azalea Festival, with box full of doughnuts that were creatively altered to look like blunts.

“We figured we would make him something special,” the bakery wrote on Facebook.

Of course you did. The chocolate frosted doughnuts look delicious and are available to the public. No word on if Snoop enjoyed the festive treats but we're sure once he smoked a few blunts, he smashed a few dessert blunts.