Lord, your servants are creepy … let us count the ways …
Whenever a business mentor, parent or the general public opens up and tells you, “Your dream really sucks” — remember this story and keep the company herein as a source of inspiration for whatever nutty idea may come. There’s a market for everything … ev-er-y-th-ing …
Apparently tying in to the depletion trend of religious congregations, a company by the name of Churchix has employed a way for churches to record and track whether or not a particular person has been attending or ditching out on Sunday services.
Generally used by security personnel to track runaway felons, rioters, sexual predators or other dastardly inhabitants of society, the facial recognition software scans people as they walk in or out of a building and notifies the church whether or not somebody has attended service. The software is being used by more than 30 churches worldwide, and is a growing trend for Face-Six — a facial recognition software firm.
"In the beginning I was surprised,” says Moshe Greenshpan, CEO of Face-Six, to IBTTimes UK. “We never thought of churches as potential clients, but we now understand the need.”
Understand the need to stalk and further try and manipulate people to attend church, is what he should have said. And hey, we don’t blame Face-Six for jumping in on an open market for whatever creepiness houses of the Lord wish to embark on — but hearing that the NSA and God now have more in common than what we’re comfortable with, it definitely creeps us out.
Luckily we’ve avoided churches for the last 20 years because of an inescapable fear of thinking we’ll catch on fire if we enter the building — looks like the behavior-driven phobia worked out to our advantage after all …
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