Yesterday was a dark day in American history. An angry mob of thousands marched on the Nation’s Capitol, wielding Trump and confederate flags, confronting police, smashing windows, scaling walls and infiltrating one of the most heavily guarded buildings in Washington DC.

At the front of their pack, was a man whose bizarre attire and painted face have been plastered all over the internet in the hours since. Bare chested, sporting a buffalo hat and covered in body paint and tattoos, wielding a spear with an American flag zip tied to it, Jake Angeli got his fifteen minutes of fame — and what a strange fifteen minutes it was.

To quote Ben Sixsmith, “It’s like the storming of the Bastille, as recreated by the cast of National Lampoon’s Animal House.”

Image courtesy of AFP.

Anglesi has been a staple at far-right rallies and protests in Arizona and elsewhere throughout the country for months now. A self-described “Q-Shaman,” Angeli is a singer and an aspiring actor when he isn’t screaming Q conspiracies through a megaphone or attempting to overthrow our democratic process.

And contrary to many of the accusations spilling out of the far-right in the wake of this dark stain on the new year, he is not associated with Antifa or BLM.

Dumbass! At least change your costume..

Posted by Alan Romaire on Wednesday, January 6, 2021

BLM rally in June, DC Capital in January Cari Kelemen @SidneyPowell1 via Twitter

Posted by Tom Duke on Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Same guy at a BLM rally in AZ is in the capitol building today…. staged AF

Posted by Troy Austin on Wednesday, January 6, 2021

These kinds of posts spread like wildfire across the internet after the shameful attack on the Capitol. People were asserting that this protester was in fact a Black Lives Matter activist, and/or a member of Antifa. Implying, that this man was an imposter — an agent provocateur — a wolf in Q-clothing, who fueled the fires of destruction and anger, and pushed otherwise peaceful protesters to extreme ends they wouldn’t have otherwise arrived at. After all, he’s an actor, isn’t he?

Well, that notion was quickly dispelled as internet sleuths dug into the facts. Angeli’s history of attending Trump rallies, and far-right events is not hard to uncover. People like to photograph him because he’s almost always wearing his flamboyant “Q-shaman” costume, and usually holding provocative signs that say things like, “Q sent me” or “Hold the line patriots, God Wills.”

He’s an eccentric looking dude, so, naturally, he ends up in a lot of pictures and therefore, his attendance of conservative events is well-documented.

The intentionally misleading accusatory posts frame counter-protesters in the background, behind Angeli, to make it look like he is standing with people holding “Fuck The Police” and “BLM” signs.

However, browse Angeli’s other pictures and it’s indubitably clear, that he’s no supporter of leftist or social movements. He is, in fact, the complete opposite: a brain-washed victim of Trumpian propaganda and QAnon conspiracy theories, who’s acting career never really took off, and who, instead, dedicated himself to a different kind of role: that of the Q-Shaman.

And it took him all the way to the Speaker of the House’s throne in Congress…

We’re still waiting to hear whether or not there will be any charges brought against Angeli, but he was neither arrested nor cited by the Capitol Police, as he gallivanted, shirtless and wild around the very seat of Democracy in this country. Instead, he said, they “politely” asked him to leave without ever having tried to stop him.

We reached out to Angeli for comment, but received no response.