Putting a bird on it is just the beginning.
Okay, listen. The premiere of Portlandia's new season isn't out for another two months (we've never wanted it to be January 21st more), but some of us here have been re-watching every old episode to prepare for Season Six. What lessons have we learned from this Armisen-Brownstein odyssey we're on? Portlandia is really fucking hilarious.
Whether they're roasting bikers, lampooning aged lesbian bookstore owners or providing a scathingly on-point criticism of nearly every privileged white stereotype that exists, we always enjoy laughing at it because it essentially makes us laugh at ourselves. Boulder and Denver are basically just clones of Portland with less water around, so it's easier for us than anyone to relate to Portlandia's little jabs at liberal middle class #lyfe.
So, in honor of the new season and seasons past, here are what is unequivocally the 12 best sketches they've ever done. And no, they're not in a particular order. Ranking things diminishes their inner light, as Toni and Candace would say.
1. "Adult Babysitter"
2. "911 Beets Emergency"
3. "Put a Bird On It"
4. "Coffee Land"
5. "Art Project"
6. "The Studio"
7. "Battlestar Galactica"
8. "Social Bankruptcy"
9. "Pullout King"
10. "Kickstarter Film Awards"
11. "She's Making Jewelry Now"
12. "Dream of the Nineties"
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