New York-based art director and graphic designer Mark Michaelson has always been attracted to the intrigue of "Wanted" posters, but when he came across his first mug-shot, bam — love at first sight.

According to an interview he gave with Collector's Weekly, he's stockpiled more than 10,000 photographs of all shapes and sizes of newly arrested people over the course of his near 30-year career, all of which crystallize the tense moment in time where they fought the law and the law won.

But perhaps the most compelling subjects of his collection are the vintage ladies — the murderers, robbers, adulterers, prostitutes and generalized girl scoundrels whose unfortunate legal predicaments so beautifully contrast with the chic, ultra-feminine makeup, hair and clothing of the '40s, '50s and '60s, physical traits that, in any other context, would convey delicacy and decorum. That juxtaposition is striking — think perfectly coifed housewives and psychedelic '60s go-go women done up to perfection, bravely awaiting indefinite incarceration for their refusal to behave.

Most interesting though, is that these women could be any 20-or-30-something in a coffee shop today. They look like your sister or your friend Angie, but they're relatable in more than just facial familiarity. Each bears a look of the same sort of amused defiance today's women do as they navigate an increasingly female-hostile world. The result is something that feels both nostalgic and nearby.
