If you had HBO in the '90s, you were balling out of control.
If you had HBO in the '90s, you were balling out of control. Your dad was a senator and your mom drank boxed wine while she heckled people for fundraising money. You were probably out in $300 rollerblades rebelling against the system by sneaking a Milky Way into the bottom of your Slurpee cup. It was a grand ol' decade indeed …
But what if our beloved Game of Thrones were a series back then? We're sure it would contain a lot less boobs, less realistic (though still believable) red goo coming out of battle wounds and a soundtrack to die for. YouTube user hunterIslanders decided to bring the idea to fruition and created the opening scene using low-tech filters and cheese. Lots and lots of '90s-era cheese …
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