Tinder, the app that allows you to find potential hook-ups without having to leave your cul-de-sac has finally patched up a security gap that granted highly-skilled, software programmers access to your exact location. The question now is how will you ever find true love without being able to track them down?
Tinder, the app that allows you to find potential hook-ups without having to leave your cul-de-sac has finally patched up a security gap that granted, highly-skilled software programmers access to your exact location. The question now is how will you ever find true love without being able to track them down?
In October 2013 a security consulting firm, Include Security, found a huge gap in the Tinder application. The glitch allowed people who have impeccable programming skills to go behind the scenes of the app and find the exact latitude and longitude of other users. Unfortunately, the cute girl you see at the coffee shop every day probably doesn’t know how to do that, but the creep who sits in the corner for hours biting his fingernails does. Include Security thought they should let someone know. They created a private application, TinderFinder, to show Tinder how “easy” it was for a lonely programming-phenom to abuse their system and triangulate others using only their Tinder ID number.
Tinder was finally able to resolve the issue in January. While nobody has claimed that computer geniuses have unexpectedly appeared at their apartment with Rohypnol and roses, it’s nice to know that they won’t be showing up any time soon.
So, thanks cyber do-gooders, now everyone has to go back to stalking the old-fashioned way and troll Facebook.
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