He shoots it all …

Jason Siegel


Lifestyle & pop culture photographer

Celebrity crush:
Tie between Kate Hudson & Mrs. Butterworth

Go-to party trick:
Magic tricks all day

Coke or Pepsi:

Talent besides taking photos:
Fort building

How did you get into photography?
I ran a music blog in college and picked up a camera so I could get into shows for free with a press pass. After that, one thing led to another, and here I am.

You shoot a ton of fashion, music and girls; is there a method to the madness?
I try to shoot the things that people don’t get to see every day but that I’m lucky enough to have in front of my lense on a regular basis. I keep myself immersed in the field so that I’m camera-ready at a moment’s notice and am able to offer a glimpse into this crazy, cool lifestyle. 

Was there a point you realized you could do this for a living?
When I stopped having to eat Top Ramen for dinner … now I just choose to.

Describe finding the perfect shot or frame:
I’m a sucker for symmetry.

What was it about photography that caught your interest?
Photography has truly been the only thing I’ve excelled in (other than magic tricks). Once I found it, I ran with it because I was in love with the creativity and freedom it allowed me. After that, I was just sucked in by the lifestyle and culture that came along with it.

What are your biggest accomplishments to date?
Touring and working alongside some of my favorite artists and friends is pretty big one. It’s been really cool to be able to work for artists like Dillon Francis, Big Gigantic, Slander, NGHTMRE & Datsik to name a few. It’s even more fun to do it on the road with them. But, It’s also pretty rad to be able to see my own work in publications like Rolling Stone, Billboard and Hypebeast on a semi-regular basis.

Where do you see yourself progressing in the next five years?
Wife, kids, minivan, house in the burbs. Ha! Just kidding. I’d love to own some sort of creative outlet that encompasses more than just photography and allows like-minded creative individuals to collaborate around music, fashion and lifestyle. Keep an eye out, it may have already begun …

Any advice for aspiring photographers?
Answer your emails. Do your work. Be nice to people. Don’t burn bridges. Don’t hit on your models, and make integrity the focal point of your life.

Shameless plugs:

Website: jasonsiegelphotography.com
Instagram: @jsiegelphotography
Twitter: @jsiegelphoto
Snapchat: Scrilla_Gorilla