People are really concerned about weather women and their dresses …

Airing out a grievance used to be so difficult in America. You either had to pick up an actual telephone that was stuck to the wall in your kitchen or write a letter and spend days before it finally got to its destination. Most everyone, if they had something to say, didn't bother and just mumbled a few curse words to themselves while they carried about the day.

Then the Internet came, fucking up the game entirely. And let's be real here, none of us actually read or care about the news anymore — we dip out straight to the comments and figure out what's going in the spaces between contradictory leftist shame rants and righty arm-bearing ignorance. The comment threads are a fucking zoo. But that's why they're so fun to read.

No one gets hit harder with the bullshit than media outlets. It doesn't matter what they do, there's always someone out there pissed off they did it. And while comedy gold probably wasn't any of the following commenters' intentions, they succeeded at making today just a little brighter.

You have terrible friends who are lying to you, Lily ….

Well that was kind of fuc … wait, someone agreed with her!?

"You guys should start broadcasting things that actually matter TO ME. ME. ME"


Wait, is it a democratic channel or a communist channel? So confused …

Oh, shit, it's a Marxist channel then? 

If you can't make the crazy cat ladies happy, who can you make happy, amiright?

Wait, what?

Lol! Really?

We hate when jerks act jerky …

Fireball and Facebook never go well with one another …

The real tragedy here is if Amanda doesn't get a fat fucking raise …

Can't really knock her hustle …

Stupid, stupid 7 News, should have consulted strangers on Facebook before doing anything …

Coincidentally, "Pot ,pot pot blah…." is the name of our new autobiography, coming soon!

Never change Philip, never change …