Drinking urine, eating candy, and sleeping with hot chicks are only a few of the rituals that keep these top athletes performing at a high level. Turns out we've been onto something all these years.

Usain Bolt
The fastest man in the world is a chronic junk food eater. With a diet consisting of “fried chicken, pizza, and junk food,” Bolt became the fastest human ever by smashing his own world record at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. His secret? A steady supply of McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets.

Juan Manuel Marquez
Forget the protein shakes and Gatorade. Some Eastern cultures claim drinking urine has healing powers, and the ferocious Marquez is among millions of practitioners worldwide—but he is one of the only professional athletes who is public about it, claiming it’s part of his pre-ring preparation.

Tim Tebow
Most people look forward to crawling into bed after a long day; Tebow climbs into a $20,000 hyperbaric chamber—a pressurized environment that helps muscle recovery. Referred to by some athletes as the “magic tube,” this device supposedly relieves aches and pains with its controlled airflow and acts as an alternative to high altitude training. Though it looks like an uncomfortable “Avatar” incubator, Jesus 2.0 swears by it.

Lamar Odom
Odom eats a whole plate of Starburst jellybeans before playoff games. Attributing his successful performance to candy consumption, ‘The Candy Man’ says the games he performed well in are the ones “where I ate candy for breakfast.” The delicious, fruity, chewy irony here is that his wife, Khloe Kardashian, is the official spokeswoman for the QuickTrim line of weight loss products. Conflict of interest?

Josh Beckett
Reminiscent of a leftover movie prop from “Star Wars,” Phiten necklaces are becoming Major League Baseball’s latest craze. Developed in Japan, the nylon-coated titanium necklaces relieve stiffness in the neck and shoulders by stabilizing the body and enhancing performance through improved circulation.  Like the Japanese space program, there is no scientific proof that these necklaces actually work but Josh Beckett has been a huge advocate of the product for years and is still one of the best pitchers in the game at the age of 32.

Alex Ovechkin
Alex is one of the best players on the NHL when it comes to scoring. And we’re not talking about on the ice. In 2009, he admitted that he has sex before and after every game to help him stay relaxed. Hell, he’d probably have sex during the games as well but the cold ice would shrivel up his penis. Regardless, the former MVP knows how to handle his stick between the pipes.

Chad OchoCinco
The NFL’s biggest diva is known for legally changing his last name, inventing outrageous touchdown dances, and eating McDonald’s 3 times a day. The wide receiver has a diet that he believes "some would call the worst diet in the world.” We put Chad’s words to the test and oddly enough, a five year old said the exact opposite.  Chad has even gone as far as taking his fiancé, Evelyn Lozada, to McDonald’s on their first date. Now that’s some Super Size love.

Hamza and Husain Abdullah
These two Muslim brothers have decided to fast the holy month of Ramadan like millions of other Muslims.  But here’s the catch: they are both defensive backs in the National Football League.  This means that they are practicing in the summer heat with no fluids or food during training camp.  And you thought waking up hungover without having a cold Gatorade at your bedside was miserable.