The only time a menstrual cycle should be on display is when it's to celebrate that the bad mistake while drinking didn't progress into a nightmare. But for a Chilean artist, she's decided that the world must see her menstrual cycles – five years of her menstrual cycles to be exact.
Carina Ubeda Chicana, who's allergic to normal tampons, has amassed a collection of 90 soiled cloths which she's saved in a cushion for over five years waiting for the right moment to make her art masterpiece. Well, that moment has come and she's put the soiled clothes on display in her new art exhibit "Cloths."
Reviews have been mixed with criticism ranging from "filthy" and "disgusting" to "blessed" and "unique." We wouldn't go as far as to say blessed but it's definitely unique. Ubeda said that her goal was to "mix art with something personal, art made by her."
Normally a room full of bloody towels would smell like a penny factory but each cloth is sprayed down with a disinfectant to eliminate odors. Still, that hasn't stopped patrons from trying to sniff the art according to the gallery manager.
In a follow-up exhibit to "Cloths," Ubeda will showcase her five-year collection of consumed ice cream cartons, Midol packs and watched chick flicks.
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