The upcoming 2016 Presidential election is the very definition of a “best of the worst” situation, so we took it upon ourselves to make a few POTUS suggestions of our own.
The upcoming 2016 Presidential election is the very definition of a “best of the worst” situation, so we took it upon ourselves to make a few POTUS suggestions of our own.
1. Vladimir Putin
What? At least we know what his platform is.
2. Bill Clinton
With a rich history in the Arkansas Senate the ability to bone your wife, he's very qualified.
3. This tree branch right here
See how it just sits there, all stoic, sticking to its morals? It has America's best interests in mind.
4. Lana del Rey
Too sad, can't go to Syria today 🙁
5. You, we guess
Yeah, you might not have passed American history in 11th grade and you refer to your Toyota Corolla as a "Vagina Magnet," but … eh.
6. Marijuana
Fairly certain this candidate would legalize marijuana.
7. Skippy Peanut Butter
You've never had a president that's tasted this good!
8. England
Didn't they rule the country at some point? They did? Whatever happened to those guys? Tell them they're back in the band.
9. Hillary … Cl- … Clint-…. Duff.
Ha ha, you thought we were going to say Hillary Swank.
10. A one-eyed bald eagle with a mohawk wearing a Tap Out shirt eating IKEA cheese samples
Grit. Determination. Values. Pizazz. No matter, what you call him/her/ it, he/she/it will make sure your voice is heard.
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