Because it's almost spring and that 10:00 am six-pack isn't gonna drink itself …

Because it's almost spring and that 10:00 am six-pack isn't gonna drink itself …

1. Put the costume on wrong

2. This …

3. Watch a little porn

4. Do the sign wrong

5. Pitch this ad

6. Try to drink coffee "differently than usual so people will see me as unique"

7. Teach this

8. Be a little left of center

9. Strike a pose

10. Show off your brutal athleticism

11. Make promises you can't keep

12. Mislabel the Iced Tea

13. Extend your job title to include a little proctology

14. Haze the rookies

15. Redecorate

… but if you commit any of these office sins, make sure an earnest apology is in order and hope for the best.