When they say "it's the little things," they're not referring to your boyfriend's unfortunate genetic situation. They're talking about the simple, underrated things in life that make you stupid happy, 25 of which we've chronicled here for your pleasure and your pleasure only.

When they say "it's the little things," they're not referring to your boyfriend's unfortunate genetic situation. They're talking about the simple, underrated things in life that make you stupid happy, 25 of which we've chronicled here for your pleasure and your pleasure only.

1. When you push the elevator button and the doors open immediately … and no one else is in there

2. When the song that's stuck in your head comes on the radio

3. When the person you're thinking about texts or calls you. Soulmates, obviously.

4. When you correctly guess what time it is or how much the bill is, proving your psychic abilities to one and all

5. When the red light turns green before you have to stop completely, like it was waiting for you all along

6. Waking up on a weekend morning and knowing you have nothing to do other than drink six mimosas at brunch

7. When you put on clothes that were just in the dryer, and they're so fucking cozy

8. Eating while watching TV

9. Performing a little natural selection on your Facebook friend list #onlythestrongsurvive

10. Sex dreams where you actually get to have sex. It's good to have dreams.

11. When the grocery store has samples

12. When you find ca$h money in your jeans and you suddenly feel very wealthy

13. When you wake up before your alarm and realize you have time left to sleep

14. The feeling of freshly shaved legs, face, vagina, etc …

15. Tacos, am I right?

16. When your favorite song ends just as you pull up to your destination

17. When someone thanks you by waving when you let them merge in front of you

18. How could we forget our good friend weed?

19. When the thing you want to buy is unexpectedly on sale. 50% off expired Bagel Bite trays? We'll take five.

20. When the person you're making out with has the same kissing style as you

21. When you don't have a condom, but they do, and it's not flavored!

22. Getting mail that's not a medical bill from that time you ate an edible and went to the ER

23. When you have plans to hang out with someone and you're really tired, and they call and cancel. Hello, solo masturbation and takeout!

24. When you open a can of pickles or jam without dislocating your clavicle

25. When you have to poop at work, and no one comes in the bathroom. Clearly, heaven-on-earth is a thing.