It's safe to say there are no shortages of puns in the cannabis industry replete with dispensary names like Starbuds, CannaSutra, Herban Legends, Chronorado and dozens of others.

But legal weed is so 2016 right now and the underground is moving on to bigger and better things — like cocaine. If and when it ever becomes legal, it'll breed new opportunities for capitalists to move in and profit huge with the Chinawhite. To do so, they're gonna need creative and unique brand names, though. Like:

Snow White’s
Blow ‘n’ GO
The Drip
Booger Sugar Shack
Winter Wonderland

Scarface Place
The White Knight
Yippie Yi Yayo
The Line Up
Bumps and Stuffs

Helluva Drugs
Crack Cafe
Energy Enterprise
Off Slope Pow
Powder Days

Never Yellow Yayo
The Rail Yard
8-Ball Mall
Pablo's Place
Blow Job

Escobar and Grille
Bump Rush
Toot Town
8Ball 'n' All
'Snow Problem
Larry's All Night Lifestyle Emporium