We all need the indulgence of engaging in revenge from time to time. For this reason, we’ve put together four ways in which you can teach your roommate, co-worker or lover a lesson in why you don’t fuck with the Jesus. You never fuck with the Jesus.
We all need the indulgence of engaging in revenge from time to time. For this reason, we’ve put together four ways in which you can teach your roommate, co-worker or lover a lesson in why you don’t fuck with the Jesus. You never fuck with the Jesus.
1. Air-Freshener Grenade
Turn your nemesis’ room or cubicle into a toxic cloud of Scotland rain flower vanilla mist with this easy contraption of evil. First, purchase a can of air-freshener spray with a trigger release. Next purchase a zip-tie. Rubber bands are another cheap and convenient option, but they are easy to dismantle, giving your victim a way out. Wrap the zip-tie around the trigger and top of can to prepare the grenade. Locate your subject in a closed-off room, pull the zip-tie, throw it in, and sit back while your victim struggles to stop the incessant flow of Scotland rain flower vanilla mist filling his or her lungs.
2. Icy Hot Rub Down
Icy Hot has been the foundation of the perfect act of revenge since before Shaq started lathering himself up in the stuff. The trick with Icy Hot is to find the ideal location in which to torment your victim. In this case, we’re talking about body soap in the shower. Dump out enough of your victim’s body soap that you can fit a significant amount of Icy Hot in there. The white coloring will look identical, but the cool burn will immediately change that relaxing shower experience into a wholly different experience. The added bonus: For some reason, Icy Hot reacts even worse with hot water, causing a strange burning sensation. Payback’s a bitch.
3. Craigslist Ad
We highly advise that before performing this prank, you understand the ramifications of such an act. This prank could totally and permanently change the victim’s life. Do not share an address or any information that could get your prank victim actually victimized. That being said, let’s begin. Start by placing an ad on Craigslist: Looking for a Sub/Dom relationship. I prefer being the sub in the room. I’m shy, nervous and love when someone takes control. When you call, I might be regretful, so don’t let me hang up or talk myself out of it. Call me back, tell me I’ve been bad. I love being dominated. Please cum say hi! My number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. All of the fun of prank calling without actually participating in a prank call.
4. Toilet Jello
Bad roommates are the worst. Sadly you’re stuck with the asshole for a year because you signed a lease. You can’t break the lease, so you break his soul. Make sure your roommate will be gone for a few hours. Take three packs of Jello mix, and stir it in with his toilet water. After a couple of hours, the water will harden into a clear, hard mass. When your roommate comes in after a long day, sits to relieve himself, bam, life will never be the same.
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