Kevin Sabet, co-founder of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) and general thorn in the side of the cannabis industry, loves to get things wrong. It's why he's devoted the past few years of his Twitter feed to exactly that — being wrong.
Last week, however, a misguided statement of his garnered a vicious clapback from none other than Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), a man Sabet chose to mince words with on Twitter (yes, another story about politics unfolding on social media). Turns out, what Sabet hoped had happened didn't happen at all, and likely won't happen anytime in the future.
In a press release citing all kinds of dangers from marijuana consumption with little to no reference points, Sabet and his team at SAM made the claim that the "Rohrabacher-Farr language was eliminated from the Commerce, Justice, Science bill that funds the Department of Justice, even though it had previously been included in the 2017 base text." The Rohrabacher-Farr language (sponsored by bi-partisan representatives) prevents the Justice Department from using funds to get in the way of medical marijuana laws in America.
Had it actually have gotten the boot, media's reaction of it would likely have been swift and predictable. Though Oregon Rep. Blumenauer wasn't one to let the inaccuracies slide, and let Sabet know just what to do with his tweet. A cold response (like that of a 14-year-old without a fuck to give anymore) was all it took to ignite the bitch-fest. …
Tom Angell — pro-marijuana advocate, founder of Marijuana Majority and journalist for MassRoots — jumped in on the squabble too, thanking Sabet for being such an easy target.
Overall, nothing happened to MMJ protections and hardly anybody in the industry thinks anything ever will happen to them (including the president). This was nothing more than just a couple of dudes hanging out on Twitter and disliking one another. Welcome to Polictics 2017. Now move along, nothing to see here.
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