Not sure anyone's really ready for this kind of insanity …

It's a really strange time for tech, at least in the audio realm …

Not so long ago, we told you about Nervana, a set of headphones that electronically jolt your inner working to provide a sense of euphoria while you listen to favorite tunes. We cautioned then about wearing out Dopamine receptors, and still suggest that maybe these aren't for everyone. We've found a new speaker venture, however, that trumps that one in the realm of insanity. It's called the Audiopill, and it's a small device one swallows so that they can hear music from the inside out for over 10 hours.

"After swallowing," Czech conceptual artist Jan Strmiska explains, "it takes the Audiopill about an hour to make it through the upper parts of gastrointestinal tract (in the first minutes you have to press your palm on your chest to feel the beats). But after it descends to the pelvic area, the effects become very intensive. You may for a while regret your experimental courage."

As seen by the video above, this thing looks fucking nuts. Not only can you not do anything about the raging pulse inside of your body while it moves through you, but he describes it as a banging sensation that's sure to make you fall off your already fragile rocker.

Straight from Strmiska's IndieGoGo page:

"Swallow the thing and then for ten hours BANG the feeling inside your stomach BANG insanity BANG joy BANG horror BANG elation BANG extasy BANG BANG pain BANG BANG BANG BANG…"

While it looks like we caught this thing late — crowdfunding for it ended last week — if you're really into experiencing this kind of fright we're sure you can get in contact with the artist and somehow finagle your way into buying one on the off-chance he has a couple of them lying around for $150 bucks. Again, we caution swallowing anything anyone makes in their run-down apartments.

Somehow we feel like this won't be the craziest thing we see this year …