There goes summer vacation. For $45 a tour, a group of chauffeured tourists get taken around the rough parts of the borough that still resemble the turbulent times of the ’80s. The tour included trips past food-pantry lines, government housing projects and a area deemed “pickpocket park.” Other popular activities include feeding the bums from designated food sacks on the bus. Ok we made that part up, but we don't see anything wrong with a few folks from the inner city finding a way to take advantage of some European tourists. If you've ever stayed at a European hostel you'd know that all they do to Americans. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way:

On Monday, Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and City Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito sent an open letter to the company owner, Michael Myers, saying they were "sickened by the despicable way" the borough was being portrayed to outsiders. "We strongly urge you to stop profiting off of a tour that misrepresents the Bronx as a haven for poverty and crime, while mocking everything from our landmarks to the less fortunate members of our community who are availing themselves of food assistance programs." – Huffington Post