One of the most vicious hip-hop feuds in history broke out between Azealia Banks and T.I. after the former dissed the latter’s wife over Twitter. The fight lead to T.I. tweeting what is maybe the most vicious tweet in the history of tweets, and it went a little something like this …

One of the most vicious hip-hop feuds in history broke out between Azealia Banks and T.I. after the former dissed the latter’s wife over Twitter. The fight lead to T.I. tweeting what is maybe the most vicious tweet in the history of tweets, and it went a little something like this…

"U musty-mouthed-thot-bot-bad-body-syphilis-lipped-rectum-vomit-unimportant-ugggggly-monstrosity-of-a-maggot-a** BIIIIIIII***HHHH!!!!!! If u speak ill of my family again….. I WILL END YOU!!!!!! #OnPHIL #OnDOE #NoBuuulllsh*t people fall down stairs daily…. U better watch yo step,u ungly-a** Gremlin-baby #nerveofdisCretin #f**kouttahea.”

And that was before he threatened to “chew her throat off her neck.” Whoa. Are you as scared as we are? Azealia fired back, tweeting “Guess who’s about to get sued for threatening me!” Uh, we’ve got a pretty good guess.

We just hope T.I. releases another album from house arrest, because that shit was great.